Chinese New Year Dragon Puppets
It's the year of the rooster..! Fireworks were released, noodles were eaten and (if you were in my year 5 class) dragon puppets were made!
This is what they looked like and how to make them..
Things you will need..
Red strips of card
Lollipop stick x2
Glue stick
Dragon face parts: 1 round found, 2 eyes, 1 figure 8 shaped nose, 4 comma-like pieces, 2 longer comma-like pieces, a rectangle, ears, jagged teeth (different colours are preferable, they can either colour them themselves or have pre-coloured card).
Masking tape
Things you will need to do..
1. Fold your red strip of card from one end to the other, switching the direction of fold so that you end up with a spring-like body for the dragon.
2. Cut the rectangle 3/4s of the way up to create a frayed effect. Stick the un-cut part onto the face.
3. Stick the other pieces of the face on; teeth next, then whiskers, nose, ears, top whiskers x4, and finally, the eyes.
4. Smooth out the card with you fingers gently and then use a glue stick to apply a thin layer of glue onto the card.
5. Sprinkle glitter over the glued area and then shake any excess off.
6. Attach masking tape to the lollipop sticks on either side of the end pieces of card.
A miniture dragon puppet for New Year!